Lucy Rabbit
Traditional, adapted by Eric Litwin
Who’s that rabbit with the floppy ears?
Lucy Rabbit!
Hopping through the woods & hopping through the fields.
Lucy Rabbit!
Who’s that rabbit all fluffy and white?
Lucy Rabbit!
Hops all day and hops all night.
Lucy Rabbit!
Hop, hop, hippety-hop
Hippety-hop, hippety-hop
Who’s that rabbit with the floppy ears?
Lucy Rabbit!
Hopping through the woods & hopping throught the fields.
Lucy Rabbit!
Who’s that rabbit all fluffy and white?
Lucy Rabbit!
Hops all day and hops all night.
Lucy Rabbit!
Call and Response: Sing each line to your child, and have them respond, “Lucy Rabbit!” This is good practice for their rhythm and sense of timing.
Rhythm Patterns: Make up or sing rhythmic phrases from the CD and have your child echo. You can use the phrases “hop” and “hippety,” or simplify by using “ba” or “bom.”