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Hip Hop Body Rock
By Eric Litwin and Michael Levine



My head, my head, shake that shaker by my head 

(My head, my head, shake that shaker by my head) 

My toes, my toes, shake that shaker by my toes 

(My toes, my toes, shake that shaker by my toes)

My arm, my arm, shake that shaker by my arm 

(My arm, my arm, shake that shaker by my arm)

CHORUS: Now I know each part of me 

All the little children sing happily.

My belly, my belly, shake that shaker by my belly 

(My belly, my belly, shake that shaker by my belly)

My knees, my knees, shake that shaker by my knees 

(My knees, my knees, shake that shaker by my knees)

My chin, my chin, shake that shaker by my chin 

(My chin, my chin, shake that shaker by my chin)

CHORUS: Now I know each part of me 

All the little children sing happily.




Shake Your Eggs with the CD (rhythm & learning body parts – all ages): Play the CD & sing the song while shaking your eggs by the body part of each verse. Parents & children can sing the response line after the voice on CD. Then sing the choruses together. For variety you can shake your eggs in different places during the choruses, such as on the floor, make circles in the air, move your arms up & down, etc. With babies, parents can shake eggs on their child’s bodies to the beat for each verse. 

Learn What’s in Your Room (rhythm & language skills – toddlers & ages 3-4): Sing without the CD, having your child echo you in each verse. Take your shakers and go around the house to find things to shake at, for example “My chair, my chair shake my shaker by the chair..." Ask your child what else is in the room to shake at. 

Dance (rhythm & motor coordination – all ages): Dance to the the music! You can also dance with scarves if you have them. 

Jam (rhythm, motor coordination, exploring instrument sounds – all ages): Get instruments and jam with the music.

Coloring Page & Sheet Music

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