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My Hat Has Three Corners



My hat, it has three corners 

Three corners has my hat 

And had it not three corners 

It would not be my hat!





Sing with Hand Movements (Rhythm, pitch & motor development – ages 1-5): Do the accompanying body movements while singing. This song is great for language building, pattern comprehension & large body movement, as well as learning melody & rhythm. Here are the body movements:


My (point to self) hat (make a triangle with your two thumbs and index fingers over your head), 

it has three (hold up 3 fingers) corners (point to one elbow with the opposite hand) 

Three (hold up 3 fingers) corners (point to one elbow with the opposite hand)

has my (point to self) hat (make a triangle with your two thumbs and index fingers over your head), 

And had it not (wave an index finger back & forth as if saying “no-no”)three (hold up 3 fingers) corners (point to one elbow with the opposite hand)

It would not be (wave an index finger back & forth as if saying “no-no”)My (point to self) hat (make a triangle with your two thumbs and index fingers over your head)!


For the second verse, leave out the word “hat.” For the third verse, leave out “hat” & “corners.” Then you can do any of the following: Leave out “hat” “three” & “corners;” Do a whole verse without ANY words! (only body movements); Sing the whole verse again, like in verse one.


Sing About Objects Around the House (language development – ages 2-5): You can have fun swapping household items or furniture for “hat” in the song, for example, “My table, it has 4 legs, 4 legs it has my table, and had it not 4 legs, it would not be my table.” (My pants, they have 2 legs...., my car, it has 4 wheels, etc.)


Waltz (bonding, rhythm & motor development – all ages): This song is in a _ waltz time signature. Try waltzing around the room as you sing & listen to the song. You could have your child stand on your feet as you dance, and babies can be carried.

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